* As some manufacturers do not provide stable links to their various products,
I only can give general manufacturer links in that place.
Project list:
Note: Due to uncertainty on the interpretation of the new European privacy law (GDPR), currently no reference
contacts are listed.
Project: Test result processing and implementation of data driven test generation for automotive diagnosticsImplementation of libraries for access to service informationen, DIDs und DTCs from diagnostic databases in ODX format.
Implementation of test scripts in CAPL for automotive dignostics.
Implementation of evaluation and automatic submission of results to test management from CAPL test reports.Industry: AutomotiveProject Period: 6/2024 - 3/2025Software/Standards used:
ASAM ODXdiagnostic databases
Python 3.x
Vector CANoe 12 bis 16 incl. CAPL, CAPL test scripts.
Project: Automation of Diagnostics-Tests for Driver Assistance ECUs (ADAS)Identification of service information, DIDs and DTCs from diagnostic databases.
Generation of test-scripts in CAPL for UDS-Standard-Services as well as reading and, in case, writing DIDs.
Generation of test-script-stubs for DTC-tests with placeholders for stimulation of the DTCs.Industry: AutomotiveProject Period: 4/2023 - 1/2024Software/Standards used:
Vector cdd-Diagnostic-Databases
ASAM odx-Diagnostic-Databases
Python 3
Vector CANoe 12 and 16 incl. CAPL
Project: Automation of Bus-Communication-Tests for Driver Assistance ECUs (ADAS)Identification of message information from diagnostic databases including E2E Profile
1 and 2 data. Generation of test-scripts in CAPL for cycle times, message lengths, message counters, and checksums.
Generation of test-data-structures for company-propriatery test-framework.Industry: AutomotiveProject Period: 1/2023 - 1/2024Software/Standards used:
AUTOSAR arxml-Communications-Databases
Vector dbc-Communications-Databases
Python 3
Vector CANoe 12 and 16 incl. CAPL
Project: Requirements- and Test-Result-Reports for Driver Assistance ECUs (ADAS)Generation of dxl-scripts for the extraction of relevant information from DOORS-Classic
databases with output to xml-files.
Generation of html-reports from extracted data for general maturity, attributation, and
linking deficits for different levels of requiremts management with breakdown to
requirements modules and single requirements id's.
Generation of test status reports for Level 3 Software.
Embedded SVG-charts for the display of development progress, broken down to several levels.Industry: AutomotiveProject Period: 7/2022 - 4/2023Software/Standards used:
Python 3
DOORS Classic incl. dxl
Project: HIL-Restbus-Simulation and Generator-Tools for ACC Camera-ECUsBuild-up of restbus-simulations in CANoe for CAN FD, Automotive Ethernet and SOME/IP services.
Implementation of CAPL-code, system-variabls and panels for graphical and programmatic manipulation of signals of
simulated ECUs, failure insertion and manipulation of network management.
Problem analysis and coaching for HIL-teste-engineers.
Scripting of automatised standard tasks for the build-up of restbus-simulations in Python.
Scripting of consistency checks for communication databases (Autosar, Fibex, VW-K-Matrix)
in Python.Industry: AutomotiveProject Period: 8/2021 - 6/2022Software/Standards used:
Vector CANoe 11, 14 and 15
Automotive Ethernet
SOME/IP services
Python 3
Autosar 4.3
Fibex (ASAM MCD-2 NET) 4.1
VW K-Matrix
Project: Maintenance and additional statistic aggregates for Wikipedia module Medical Cases ChartMaintenance of presentation and augmentations for the depictions of incidences and comparison to
previous weeks. See also
Module:Medical_cases_chartIndustry: Internet-DevelopmentProject Period: 12/2020 - 6/2022Software used:
Project: Simulation of a Skin Pass Mill and a Coater Unit for the Virtual Comissioning of Plant Control Devices of
a Continuous Galvanising LineCompilation of models in Simulink for Hardware-in-the-Loop(HIL)-simulation. Modelling of plant behaviour following
functional descriptions, drive data, hydraulics schemes, and process flow charts. IO-Engineering to interface the test models to
Profibus DP. Emulation of several new Profibus drive interfaces (Inverter-telegrams PPO4, PPO5 and others).
Supervision of the integration test, including problem analysis and detail adjustments in the test field.Industry: Metal ProcessingProject Period: 7/2020 - 9/2020Software used:
Matlab/Simulink 2017b including Simulink Coder (MathWorks)
Perl (used to postprocess generated code and parse communication network descriptions)
Profibus DP
Project: Development of Libraries for Matlab and Simulink.File streaming i/o blocks for Simulink (C-coded S-functions). Functions to check and normalise m-script variables.
Signalflow analysis functions for Simulink. Implementation of rule checks for modelling standards MAAB and MISRA AC SL/SF.Industry: Engineering-SoftwareProject Period: 12/2019 - ongoingSoftware used:
Matlab/Simulink 2010b-2018b (Mathworks)
Boost 1.72.0
C99, C++03/11
MinGw64 gcc 6.3.0 mit Matlab R2018b
Linux gcc 4.8.5 mit Matlab R2010b
MSVC++ 2010 mit Matlab R2010b
MAB 5.0 (MAAB)
Project: New Estimator and Control Design for a Sensorless PMSM Electric MotorDesign and implementation of an angular position and velocity estimation algorithm for a compact design PMSM motor
with non-linear behaviour at higher magnetic flow levels. Implementation of a control table based transformation of torque
demand to an efficiency optimised current vector heeding limits of available supply voltage and current amplitude.
Computation of control table data from motor design based JMAG RT simulation results.Industry: AutomotiveProject Period: 6/2018 - 11/2019Software used:
JMAG with RT toolbox
Matlab/Simulink/Embeded Coder 2018b (Mathworks)
Project: Setup of a Virtual Prototyping for an Electric CompressorDesign of an overall device simulation for the virtual evaluation of control and estimator designs and their
parameter layout criteria (Virtual Control Protoyping). Parameter optimisation and proof of robustness against
fabrication tolerances of mechanical and electrical parts. Integration of the results of fluid mechanic and electric
simulation into a depiction of the plant chacteristics in Simulink. In parallel evaluation and processing of teststand
measurements from existing devices for the plant chacteristics in Simulink.Industry: AutomotiveProject Period: 3/2018 - 7/2019Software used:
Matlab/Simulink/Stateflow 2017b-18b (Mathworks)
Project: Architecture and Embedded Toolchain for an Electric Compressor DriveTransfer of a rouhgly structured emdded control system to a regular control structure (Input-Processing-Output).
Revision of COM stacks (LIN and CAN) with change to generation of network layout specific code (from .ldf).
Transfer from manual fixed point scaling handling to use of Simulink fixed point signals.
Training of employees in Matlab/Simulink/Statflow focussing on application modelling for embedded code generation. Technical
assessment of employment applicants for embedded software development. Fixed point implementation of a reference profile generator
for angular velocity. Assembly of modelling guidelines based on MAAB 3.0, implementation of missing rule checks in Simulinks model
advisor, definition of review criteria. Specification of the model parameters for embedded code generation with respect to MAAB,
MISRA AC SLSF, MISRA C. Rework of design and parameterisation of controller and angular velocity/position estimator.Industry: AutomotiveProject Period: 6/2015 - 11/2019Software/Standards used:
Project: Syncronisation of Architectur, Variable-Definitions and Requirements between SYNECT and TargetLinkTo synchronise information between dSpace SYNECT-modules Model Management, Signal & Parameter Management and Requirements
Managements on one hand, and dSpace TargetLink on the other, respective data is exported as xml and compared to respective
pre-existing data, checked for conflicts, and updated where required. Realisation of these tasks on SYNECT-side using Python
and the SYNECT-Client- and -Server-APIs and on TargetLink-side using Matlab-m-scripting utilising TargetlLink-, DataDictionary-
and Simulink-APIs.Industry: Embedded ToolsProject Period: 4/2016 - 12/2017Software/Standards used:
dSpace SYNECT 2.1-2.4
dSpace TargetLink 4.1-4.3
Matlab/Simulink/Stateflow 2015b-17b
Python 2.7/IronPython VS2015
Project: Architecture and Safety-Functionality of a Propulsion and Charge-Control for Electrified Urban BussesTransfer of a prototypic control algorithm to a regular control structure (IPO, explicit feedback loops). Separation of signal
flow and algorithm implementation for better comprehensabilty as well as enabling seperate testabilty of functional and integrational
aspects. Development and implementation of safety functionality (emergency stop) according to a given safety concept (applying to
ISO 26262). Implementation of conventions and modelling rules for further developement (based on MAAB).Industry: Public Transportation (Road)Project Period: 9/2014 - 03/2015Software/Standards used:
Matlab/Simulink/Stateflow 2013a along with Matlab/Simulink Coder (Mathworks)
dSpace Autobox II (RTI1401) and ControlDesk, Version 2013b
MAAB 3.0 (Mathworks)
ISO 26262, Part 6
Project: Augmentation of testing extent and testing environment for a Lane Keeping Assist software, consulting
regarding toolchain, software-change-process and architectureRevision and completion of specifications on subsystem-level. Implementation of missing tests.
Revision of a proprietary unittest-tool.
Consulting and proposals regarding toolchain development for unit testing and static checking on model level
Consulting and proposals regarding the software-change-process using recently introducted "Rational Team
Concert" with respect to upcoming first serial software.
Consulting and proposals regarding software architecture with respect to maintainability and optimised real-time
execution.Industry: AutomotiveProject Period: 8/2013 - 4/2014Software used:
Matlab/Simulink 2010a including Realtime-Workshop/Embedded Coder and VnV Toolbox (Model-Advisor)
Rational Team Concert
Project: Simulation of a Roughing Mill with Edger and a Downcoiler System during the virtual comissioning
of the plant control devicesCompilation of models in Simulink for Hardware-in-the-Loop(HIL)-simulation. Modelling of plant behaviour following functional
descriptions, drive data and hydraulics schemes. IO-Engineering to interface test models to Profibus DP.
Emulation of several new Profibus drive interfaces (Inverter-telegrams PPO4, PPO5 and others).
Supervision of the integration test, including problem analysis and detail adjustments in Beijing.Industry: Metal ProcessingProject Period: 9/2012 - 4/2013Software used:
Matlab 2007b including RealTime Workshop (MathWorks)
Perl (used to postprocess generated code)
S-Functions (Simulink) in C++
Profibus DP
Project: Implementation of an A2L-updater based on addresses from ELF/DWARF-executablesImplementation of an A2L-Updater (ASAP MCD-2MC) retrieving ECU-addresses from ELF-Files and their embedded
DWARF-Debugging-Information, in Java/Eclipse. Type checks based on embedded DWARF-info (basic types and byte-
lengths, fixedpoint scaling is not visible in DWARF 3).
Full support for any cascading of structs, arrays und arrays of structs.
Support for bitmask-optimised measurements with address shift based on DWARF bitmask-info alignment.Industry: AutomotiveProject Period: 3/2012 - 7/2012Software and Standards used:
ASAP MCD-2MC 1.3 (A2L)
Java/IBM Eclipse
Project: Implementation of a test tool for Simulink-subsystemsImplementation of a Matlab MScript function library for the test of simulink subsystems for ECU software.
Supporting regression capable "step-test"-approach with test reporting and integration of Simulink/VnV-analytics
of coverage on model level.
Also reactive tests for complex subsystems were supported, where stimulus specification might be defined depending
on runtime system output (e.g. wait for a state change on an output).Industry: AutomotiveProject Period: 1/2012 - 9/2012Software and Standards used:
Matlab R2009a with toolboxes Simulink, Stateflow, VnV (MathWorks)
Project: Merging of code generation toolchains for embedded controllersMerging of heterogenous toolchains from different company departments and specific customer projects,
based on Matlab/Simulink/RTW/Embedded Coder, for the control of dual-clutch gearboxes.
Coordination and implementation of unified basic (MAAB set, custom params) and custom modelling libraries for the
implementation of ECU applications. Following the goal of minimised and abstract (functional encapsulation) custom
elements for better portability.
Coordination of discussions on and phrasing of unified style guidelines based on MAAB 2.0.
Implementation of non-MAAB and deviating rules in Simulink Model-Advisor.Industry: AutomotiveProject Period: 9/2011 - 9/2012 Software and Standards used:
Matlab R2009a with toolboxes Simulink, Stateflow(MathWorks)
Simulink R2009a VnV Toolbox (f. ModelAdvisor) (MathWorks)
MAAB 2.0
Project: Implementation of customer specific tools for ECU software developmentTranscoding of calibration parameter specifications from proprietary, XML-based customer format
to A2L (ASAM MCD-2MC). Reduction of calibration parameter specifications for customer software releases
to achieve intellectual property protection; based on regular expressions (black-/white-list rules).
Address-adjustments on calibration parameter specifications for proprietary customer format of lookup table data.
Consistency checks on customer data deliveries.Industry: AutomotiveProject Period: 6/2011 - 1/2012 Software and Standards used:
ASAP MCD-2MC 1.3 (A2L)
Java/IBM Eclipse
Project: Automation of the software integration process for an ECUProgramming of a java application to check integrity of software releases in the product lifecycle
management of ARAS ALM. Generation software release configurations for ClearCase config management and of respective release
documentation.Industry: AutomotiveProject Period: 2/2011 - 9/2011Software used:
IBM ClearCase
Java/IBM Eclipse
Project: Migration of graphically implemented functionality of a transmission ECU from Matlab R13 to R2009aProgramming of migration scripts, migration of company owned TLC functionality (customisings of the code generator),
analysis of generated code, R13 v. R2009a. Support of function developers.
Revision and augmentation of the company simulink block library for embedded code generation.Industry: AutomotiveProject Period: 9/2010 - 9/2011Software used:
Matlab R2009a including Simulink, Stateflow (MathWorks)
Project: In-house training and technical support on proposal for model based development of cruise control systemsTechnical expertise for proposal preparation and technical presentation at end customer for modelbased development of
ECU functionality of cruise control systems. In-house training with toolchain Matlab/Simulink/TargetLink.Industry: AutomotiveProject Period: 3/2010 - 8/2010Software used:
Matlab 2009b including Simulink und Stateflow (MathWorks)
TargetLink 3.1 (dSpace)
Project: Functional modules for an HVAC controller libraryImplementation of modules of a functional linbrary for HVAC control to check new control designs in rapid prototyping
(simulation and autobox).Industry: AutomotiveProject Period: 11/2009 - 4/2010Software used:
Matlab 2010a including Simulink and Stateflow (MathWorks)
Project: Simulation of a skin pass mill for the integration test (virtual comissioning) of automisation
hard- and softwareCompilation of models in Simulink for Hardware-in-the-Loop(HIL)-simulation. Modelling of hydraulics, mechanics and material tracking
communication following functional descriptions, hydraulics schemes and protocol specifications. IO-Engineering to interface test
models to Profibus DP.Industry: MetalProject Period: 9/2009 - 10/2009Software used:
Matlab 2007b including RealTime Workshop (MathWorks)
Perl (used to postprocess generated code)
S-Functions (Simulink) in C
Profibus DP
Project: Simulation of a strip pickling and annealing line for the integration test (virtual comissioning) of automisation
hard- and softwareCompilation of models in Simulink for Hardware-in-the-Loop(HIL)-simulation. Modelling of strip tension sections and media cycles
following functional descriptions, drive data and media flow charts. IO-Engineering to interface test models to Profibus DP.Industry: MetalProject Period: 7/2009 - 8/2009Software used:
Matlab 2007b including RealTime Workshop (MathWorks)
Perl (used to postprocess generated code)
S-Functions (Simulink) in C
Profibus DP
Project: Simulation of a strip shearing line for the integration test (virtual comissioning) of automation
hard- and softwareCompilation of models in Simulink and Poses++ for Hardware-in-the-Loop(HIL)-simulation. Modelling of plant behaviour following functional
descriptions, drive data and hydraulics schemes. IO-Engineering to interface test models to Profibus DP.Industry: MetalProject Period: 2/2009 - 6/2009Software used:
Matlab 2007b including RealTime Workshop (MathWorks)
Poses++ (material-tracking and visualisation)
Perl (used to postprocess generated code)
Profibus DP
Project: Simulation of a continuous casting machine for the integration test (virtual comissioning) of automisation
hard- and softwareCompilation of models in Simulink and Poses++ for Hardware-in-the-Loop(HIL)-simulation. Modelling of plant behaviour following functional
descriptions, drive data and hydraulics schemes. IO-Engineering to interface test models to Profibus DP.Industry: MetalProject Period: 10/2008 - 1/2009Software used:
Matlab 2007b including RealTime Workshop (MathWorks)
Poses++ (material-tracking and visualisation)
Perl (used to postprocess generated code)
Profibus DP
Project: Simulation of a rolling stand and a shearing line for the integration test (virtual comissioning) of automisation
hard- and softwareCompilation of models in Simulink for Hardware-in-the-Loop(HIL)-simulation. Modelling of plant behaviour following functional
descriptions, drive data and hydraulics schemes. IO-Engineering to interface test models to Profibus DP.Industry: MetalProject Period: 4/2008 - 9/2008Software used:
Matlab 2007b including RealTime Workshop (MathWorks)
Perl (used to postprocess generated code)
S-Functions (Simulink) in C
Profibus DP
Project: Simulation of a descaler for the integration test (virtual comissioning) of automisation hard- and softwareCompilation of models in Simulink for Hardware-in-the-Loop(HIL)-simulation. Modelling of plant behaviour following functional
descriptions, drive data and hydraulics schemes. IO-Engineering to interface test models to Profibus DP.Industry: MetalProject Period: 3/2008 - 6/2008Software used:
Matlab 2007b including RealTime Workshop (MathWorks)
Perl (used to postprocess generated code)
S-Functions (Simulink) in C
Profibus DP
Project: Test environment for permutation tests and integration of manually defined testdataGeneration of permutation tests for functional modules with respect to input data formats (fixedpoint) to validate
embedded immplementations against corresponding floatingpoint models. Additional integration of maually defined
data in Excel to be used with the same validation principle.
Automatted evaluation and documentation of test results.Industry: AutomotiveProject Period: 2/2008 - 11/2008Software used:
Matlab 7/Simulink 6 (MathWorks)
TargetLink 2.1 (dSpace)
MS-Excel COM-Interface (Active-X)
Project: Migration of proprietary testdataMigration of stimulus data and output expectations from a proprietary environment
to Matlab and programming of test execution and documentation.Industry: AutomotiveProject Period: 7/2006 - 12/2007Software used:
Matlab 7/Simulink 6 (MathWorks)
TargetLink 2.1 (dSpace)
Project: Introduction to TargetLinkCoaching and library compilation for embedded controller software implemented
in TargetLink. Project management support.Industry: AutomotiveProject Period: 1/2006 - 8/2007Software used:
Matlab 7/Simulink 6 (MathWorks)
TargetLink 2.1 (dSpace)
Project: Migration of HVAC controller software between Embedded Coder
and TargetLinkMigration of a complete model of the controller application between serial code generators
"Embedded Coder" and "TargetLink". Mostly scripted using Simulink and TargetLink mex-APIs.Industry: AutomotiveProject Period: 6/2006 - 12/2006Software used:
Matlab 7/Simulink 6 (MathWorks)
TargetLink 2.1 (dSpace)
Project: Architecture in Simulink/TargetLink for a climatic controllerArchitecture for the applicative behaviour of a climatic controller
in Simulink/Stateflow/TargetLink according to
and Spice Level 3.Industry: AutomotiveProject Period: 4/2006 - 8/2006Software used:
Matlab 7/Simulink 6 (MathWorks)
TargetLink 2.1 (dSpace)
Project: automated HIL-Test for a body computer moduleSpecification and programming of the test according to the requirement
specification. Modelling of realtime behavior in Simulink and C-SFunctions.Industry: AutomotiveProject Period: 1/2005 - 12/2005Software used:
Matlab6,Simulink5 (MathWorks)
dSpace ds1005, ControlDesk
Project: Automatic link-up and synchronization of Doors test requirements and test environmentSpecification of format and semantics of test requirements in Doors
and UML-elements of the test environment. Pilot projecting of a
class library for synchronization in JScript, Integration in
DOORS dxl-scripts programmed for that purpose.Industry: AutomotiveProject Period: 1/2005 - 10/2005Software used:
Artisan RtS with COM-interface
Project: shape generation for chords on string instrumentsIndustry: MusicProject Period: 7/2004 - 9/2004Software used:
OO Javascript
php See it work
(needs Internetexplorer 5.0+ or Netscape6+/Mozilla1.3+)
Project: integration concept 'functional network'->SimulinkCreation of a depiction concept for the integration of functional
network models in UML 2.0 to Simulink. Composition of modelling
guidelines. Prototypic programming for feasibilty of a Simulink
stub generator from UML in Java.Industry: AutomotiveProject Period: 6/2004 - 9/2004Software used:
Matlab6,7/Simulink5,6 (MathWorks)
Java JSDK 1.4, Eclipse 2.1 (Sun)
RoseRT/UMLRT (Rational/IBM)
UML 2.0 Spec
Project: Codegenerator EvaluationAdvisory service, compilation of a benchmarking model for evaluation of
the code generators TargetLink, Scade and Embedded Coder.Industry: automotiveProject Period: 3/2004 - 5/2004Software used:
Matlab6,7/Simulink5,6, Embedded Coder for MPC555 (MathWorks)
TargetLink2.0, DS1005, ControlDesk (dSpace)
Scade (Esterell)
Project: Configuration Management Matlab/SimulinkAdvisory service, prototype programming of a LowLevel-API to CM Synergy
in Java, prototype of integration of Matlab/Simulink to CM Synergy
based on this API. Definition and automization of a standard workflow.Industry: AutomotiveProject Period: 1/2004 - 3/2004Software used:
Matlab6,7/Simulink5,6 (MathWorks)
ControlDesk (dSpace)
CM Synergy(previously Continuus), Doors (Telelogic AB)
Java JSDK 1.4, Eclipse 2.1 (Sun)
Project: Augmentation and restrucuring of machine checkingSylk generation(=Excel-Textformat)-Datasheets from measurement database,
encapsulation of dataaccess to a classlike package with access methods,
additional analytic features.Industry: FotochemistryProject Period: 10/2003 - 11/2003Software used:
Oracle 8, PL/SQL, OWA-Package
Adobe SVG Plugin
Oracle Application Server
Project: Augmentation of reaping sensitometry 2Generation of grafical Display (SVG) of measurements
and sensitometric parameters over the reaping process
of photochemical products.Industry: FotochemistryProject Period: 7/2003 - 8/2003Software used:
Oracle 8, PL/SQL, OWA-Package
Adobe SVG Plugin
Oracle Application Server
Support for control engineering. Integration of distributed
systems and different toolchains.Industry: AutomotiveProject Period: 6/2003 - 12/2003Software used:
Matlab6/Simulink5 (MathWorks)
TargetLink, ControlDesk (dSpace)
Ascet SD, Inca (Etas)
CANape, asap-Toolset (Vector Informatik)
Project: Migration/Datainterface for measurement databaseProgramming of a complex measurement data interfaceIndustry: FotochemistryProject Period: 3/2003 - 5/2003Software used:
Oracle 8, PL/SQL
Perl 5
Project: Augmentation of reaping sensitometryAugmentation of measurement data analysis (optical density measurements)
for quality weighing of product batches based on the progression
of the reaping process, migration and modification of
of spline and smoothening modules, Fortran77 -> PL/SQL,
DEC-MicroVex -> Sun.Industry: FotochemistryProject Period: 1/2003 - 2/2003Software used:
Oracle 8, PL/SQL, OWA-Package
Oracle Application Server
Project: wedge graphics for film/papier/displayfilmProgramming of measurement data analysis (optical density measurements)
generation of vectorgraphic display in SVG for the quality weighing
of product batches.Industry: FotochemistryProject Period: 11/2002 - 12/2002Software used:
Oracle 8, PL/SQL, OWA-Package
Adobe SVG Plugin
Oracle Application Server
Project: Visualisation of emulgate meta statesProcess data analysis of the emulgate production,
generation of vectorgraphic display in SVG for quality weighing
of emulgate batches.
(emulgate=metaproduct for films and photographic paper)Industry: FotochemistryProject Period: 9/2002 - 10/2002Software used:
Oracle 8, PL/SQL, OWA-Package
Adobe SVG Plugin
Oracle Application Server
Project: machine checking film/paperProgramming of long term measurement data analysis (optical
density measurements), generation of vectorgraphic
display in SVG for production plant assessment.Industry: FotochemistryProject Period: 6/2002 - 8/2002Software used:
Oracle 8, PL/SQL, OWA-Package
Adobe SVG Plugin
Oracle Application Server
Support/advisory on diploma thesis "Performance Measurement Tool"Support and advisory focussed on Matlab-programming technique
for a diploma project that realises analysis and parameter identification
for acceleration and noise measurement on elevators in Matlab-m.
10x4 hours.Industry: Conveyor techniqueProject Period: 12/2001 - 7/2002Software used:
Matlab 5.3
Project: Data modelling, database interface procedures,
data replication for the administrative software of car auctioneerIndustry: TradeProject Period: 5/2001 - 6/2002Software used:
Mssql-Server, t-sql procedures
rational rose
Visual C++ / extended sp's
Offering: Simulation and parameter optimisation of a film coiling machineModellings in SimulinkIndustry: FotochemistryProject Period: 2/2001 - 3/2001Software used:
Matlab 5.3
Simulink 3
Project: Process data access and -visualisation for extrudersIndustry: Chemical industryProject Period: 12/2000 - 2/2001Software used:
Internet Information Server
VB / Active Server Pages
Internet-Explorer 5.0
JavaScript 1.3
Ms Access
Project: Simulation of emulgate production, main production plantVerification of PLC control progreams (Siemens S7),
an overlaying automatic receipt control and training of the plant staff
with a model of actuator and measurement hardware, failure behaviour,
interacting caloric systems, liquid levels.Industry: FotochemistryProject Period: 9/2000 - 1/2001Software used:
Winmod with Profibus multislave connection (Hardware in the Loop,
see also Example details)
Offering: Simulation and controler programming for a Rhine loading craneModelling of a gangway for transshipment with excentric load on a rope.Industry: Chemical industryProject Period: 11/2000 - 12/2000Software used:
Matlab 5.3
Simulink 3
Project: burden center counterListings of measurement operations for cost ditribution to cost centers.Industry: FotochemistryProject Period: 9/2000 - 10/2000Software used:
Oracle 8, OWA-Package
Oracle Application Server
Netscape Navigator 4.05
JavaScript 1.3
Project: Measurement query-toolMeasurement query-tool with query generator as a database package,
browser/javascript-application.Industry: FotochemieProject Period: 4/2000 - 8/2000Software used:
Oracle 8, OWA-Package
Oracle Application Server
Netscape Navigator 4.05
JavaScript 1.3
Project: Simulation of emulgate production, special charges plantVerification of PLC control programmming (Siemens S7)
with a model of actuator and measurement hardware, failure behaiviour,
interacting caloric systems, liquid levels.Industry: FotochemistryProject Period: 10/1999 - 11/1999Software used:
Winmod with Profibus multislave connection
Hardware in the Loop
Project:production store computerDesign and programming of a plant control computer with logistic
decision machines in database procedures (36 CNC-machines, 3 tranport robots
in two stores, store traverse robot).
integration of not PC-supported TRADA protocol, concept and programming of the
logistic decision structure.Industry: AutomotiveProject Period: 7/1999 - 3/2000Software used:
Intouch(Wonderware). Own implementation of TRADA-protocol (Siemens-proprietary, Layer on H1-bus)
in the C-like Intouch-internal programing language.
Mssql-Server. administration, programing of logistic
decision logic and store state tracking in stored procedures in T-Sql
Project: Simulation of emulgate production, experiment plantVerification of PLC control progreams (Siemens S7)
with a model of actuator and measurement hardware, failure behaiviour,
interacting caloric systems, liquid levels.Industry: FotochemistryProject Period: 6/1999 - 7/1999Software used:
Winmod with Profibus multislave connection
Hardware in the Loop
Project: Simulation B-Pillar controlTest of production logistic control algorithms with a logistic simulation model.Industry: AutomotiveProject Period: 4/1999 - 6/1999Software used:
Taylor2 utilising TLI (Taylor Language Interface), pascal like
integrated programming language in Taylor 2.
Project: Simulation of side frame controlIndustry: AutomotiveProject Period: 1/1999 - 4/1999Software used:
Diploma thesis "Decentralized Estimator for Realization of Robust Control for
Active Vibration Absorption".Decentralization of an estimator-model and of the estimator-design algorithm
(LQE). Design of a nonlinear model of the kinematic equations of an elastic
robot arm with excentric load. Optimization by algorithm shortening of the discrete
Controller-Estimator-Unit. Automization of test tracks and rows of test tracks
(via mtrace und mlib).Project Period: 3/1998 - 12/1998Software used:
Matlab 5.2
Simulink 2
dSpace TDE, mlib/mtrace
Maple V 5
Project: Simulation of failure compensation in engine preassemblyIndustry: AutomotiveProject Period: 5/1998Software used:
Student research project: "Current and revolution speed control of a
direct current motor with adaptive signal processing for the minimisation of
the influences of nonlinear system behaviour and external disturbances"Project Period: 10/1996 - 1/1998Software used: